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赛博暴露癖——2023年6月16日——leave me alone

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Isaac 发表于 2023-6-18 11:46:46
My  PM(product manager)just complained with me about the other CM(customer manager)on the  night before,which implied that the mate does not work at all.The PM undertakes more than what he should.
Because they had dated with a client who supports them,but the PM did not send a message to him,which caused the client have  dinner with our competitor.It pushed their program to a trap and let a new player in this game.
What I did was appeasing him and showed my support,which proved to be the second most stupid thing I ever did since 1.15.2023 now.
Today they(PM&CM)tried to make up the program,but the PM was disappointed ,that's not to say he didn't perform his duty,he just doesn't commit more than his domin any more .
I was not very myself on this vert day,I thought as we are in a team,then we must get out goal,eraning enough money back.So I tried to act the role of a leader.which proved to be a disastor.
that's to say,the PM exaggerated the truth,the CM also has her diea.And they reached an areement on the way back to our company.
Not my fault,not my bussiness,what I should do is to practice,to establish my channel.
1.Base :health
2.Career:Practice KC sale skill
3.Character:Be positive
4.Money:As more as possible
5.Life:Experience more
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