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[Reading] MIT 教授的特别课程 HOW TO SPEAK

查看: 11236|回复: 5
Dus 发表于 2021-1-15 16:32:52
Use the shortcut method for better speaking.

1 Plan appropriately.
2 Practice.
3 Engage with your audience.
4 Pay attention to body language.
5 Think and speak positively.
6 Cope with your nerves.
7 Watch recordings of your speeches.

This will help you to improve each time.

Quality = F (K knowledge,P practice ,T  talent)

the vital one of these is K knowledge for life in your heart ,while talent influences a lot


资源在 盘中被 屏?现在盘内资源核查 标准到底几何呢?
admin 发表于 2021-1-15 16:35:27
 楼主| Dus 发表于 2021-1-15 16:48:24
admin 发表于 2021-1-15 16:35

是。前面还没有,但是近来发出来分享 就变成这样了。
一个多小时的大视频,结果 变成 电视没有信后的五颜六色的屏;同时,还有 生物细胞学-王金发课程,庄鹏飞&钱伯初 量子力学课程等等 学习课程,也是如此。
 楼主| Dus 发表于 2021-1-18 16:20:54
@某在斯 谷中 邀请码发到哪里呢?

@某在斯   或许,你可以在谷内 截图发下来,这边找到后下载发给你。现在 邀请进入的new hands,下载或另行跳转以致无法下载。
 楼主| Dus 发表于 2021-1-22 16:44:39
@某在斯    或许,你可以在谷内 截图发下来,这边找到后下载发给你。现在 邀请进入的new hands,下载或另行跳转以致无法下载。
 楼主| Dus 发表于 2021-11-30 21:45:15
Brahms is an introverted and deep pianist.

Oh, well, today is another nice cracker if I may say so.
But I just wondered between you and me, in 100 words, Where do you think van Gogh rates in the history of art?

Oh, that is a big question.
But to me ,he is the finest painter of them all.
Certainly the most popular, great painter of all time,
his command of color the most magnificent, the most beloved.

He transformed the pain
of his tormented life into the ecstatic beauty.

Pain is easy to betray,
but to use  Your passion and pain
to portray the aesthetic ecstasy, joy and magnificence of our world... No one has ever done it before.
Perhaps no one ever will again.

To my mind, the strange ,wild man,
Who roamed in the fields of Provence,
Was not only  The world's greatest artist,
But also one of  the greatest men who ever lived.

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